The Legal Process of the Top Maryland Lawyers
The attorney-client relationship with The Law Offices of Kruger & Kruger LLC and their expert Maryland lawyers, is established upon the execution of a Client Retainer Agreement and payment of initial fee requirements which vary based upon the complexity of the scope of legal representation.
Following engagement, an intake appointment is scheduled for the purpose of obtaining all relevant and available information pertaining to the client’s legal matter, and to discuss settlement goals. To the extent that there are financial issues to be addressed in the course of representation, you will be provided at intake with a list of documents that will be required to verify income, expenses, assets, and liabilities.
In the event that there is a prior history of court proceedings, or any pending court proceeding, it is important to produce all available court documents at your intake appointment.
The key to a successful attorney-client relationship is communication. The Law Offices of Kruger & Kruger LLC, takes pride in its successful history of personal contact with clients.
The Firm is committed to provide the quality legal services that are necessary to advance a case to its successful conclusion, whether by settlement or judicial determination when reasonable minds fail to prevail.
In any family law matter, clients will be challenged by circumstances that can be frustrating, such as the behavior of an adverse party or the rules that regulate the management of a pending Court case. This challenge, coupled with the natural emotional responses to stress, mandates communication with the Firm so that your challenges can be managed and stress can be reduced by obtaining legal opinions particular to your circumstances.
As our client, our Maryland lawyers will assist you in developing appropriate responses on your part to particular situations during your case. There is a solution for every problem, and the earliest and best solutions are achieved by timely communication. It is important for you to remember that all advice and work performed for you will be in your best interest to achieve a successful outcome of your case.
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